This is a story that really happened! My history teacher told the whole class:
Apparently, on Tuesday, March 1st, the teachers were supposed to wear red in honor of the teachers in some other state (sorry! I forgot the reason why, but the rest of the story will make sense!) Most of the teachers, since this was a new thing to do, forgot to wear red to school. Including my science teacher, who went around the school Monday reminding the teachers to wear red!
What were the teachers supposed to do? Well, my social studies teacher (the one who was telling us the story) found some red apple stickers in her desk and gave them to the teachers who forgot to wear red. But, as I mentioned before, A LOT of teachers forgot to wear red that day. As a result, more teachers were wearing red apple stickers than not. So, one of the math teachers found some green apple stickers in her desk, and all the teachers who remembered to wear red Tuesday wore the green apple stickers. Some of them even had worms in them (not real worms! I mean that the cartoon apple had the worm in it!)
And that was the day every teacher in my middle school wore cartoon apple stickers on their shirts. Feel free to share this story with your friends or something. But this is something that really happened to me.